Bed-Stuy East

For as long as I can remember, I've dreamt of Bed-Stuy. It was Spike Lee that brought me here. He painted The Stuy in the brightest hues and dotted the canvas with characters that reminded me of the ones in my own hometown. It's the land of Lena Horne. The home base for Dr. Josephine English. The Nation of Islam through their grocery stories fed the community. Its daughter, Shirley Chisolm worked tirelessly to liberate her people. Hip-hop became hip-hop on these blocks and gave Bed-Stuy a global voice. It's no coincidence that we call her The Planet. Sun-Ra told us that space was the place. What's been created in Bed-Stuy is nothing short of cosmic and infinite.

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Stuyvesant Mansion

375 Stuyvesant Avenue
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So much history lies in Bed-Stuy that speaks to the texture black southerners brought to the city over the last 200 years. Formerly the home of Josephine English, the first black OB/GYN (she delivered Malcolm X’s children) in the state of New York in 1949. Her home has been converted into a community space housing doula services and local vendors.

Stuyvesant Mansion
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Stuyvesant Mansion
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Stuyvesant Mansion
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Stuyvesant Mansion
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Stuyvesant Mansion
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Stuyvesant Mansion
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Restoration Plaza

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