Park Cities
The Park Cities is a neighborhood that encompasses two communities in Dallas – the Town of Highland Park and the City of University Park. The two municipalities, which share a border with each other, are surrounded by the city of Dallas and thus are smack dab in the middle of it all. The Park Cities is (for the most part) a residential community made up of very affluent residents, but there are some solid spots worth checking out. Make no mistake you’ll need to be in the right frame of mind to jump into this fray of opulence, but it’ll be worth it knowing where to go. DISCLAIMER: Many of the spots published here are just outside of the technical Park Cities geographic boundary. It's a curse, but we just can't color inside the lines.
Cafe R+D
NorthPark Center
Shin Sei
Mr Mesero
Lock in your margarita order and then enjoy anything on the tex mex + american standards hybrid menu.
Design Jobs
Lakeside Drive
Highland Park Soda Fountain
Grab a stool, take a spin, indulge and plan a Netflix binge and a nap for after your visit.