Park Cities

The Park Cities is a neighborhood that encompasses two communities in Dallas – the Town of Highland Park and the City of University Park. The two municipalities, which share a border with each other, are surrounded by the city of Dallas and thus are smack dab in the middle of it all. The Park Cities is (for the most part) a residential community made up of very affluent residents, but there are some solid spots worth checking out. Make no mistake you’ll need to be in the right frame of mind to jump into this fray of opulence, but it’ll be worth it knowing where to go. DISCLAIMER: Many of the spots published here are just outside of the technical Park Cities geographic boundary. It's a curse, but we just can't color inside the lines.

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The Monkey Bar at Mi Cocina

77 Highland Park Village
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Mi Cocina is a Tex Mex institution in the Dallas area. The Mi Cocina in the Highland Park Village is (by far) the most successful location of the franchise. It's great, don't get me wrong, but should you find yourself there, take my advice and carve through the action downstairs and head straight up to the Monkey Bar (located on the 3rd Floor). It's a chill, quaint little spot. An exhale from the Grand Central of pretty people just below. It's a really cool happy hour or evening perch, with friendly service, inviting decor and great light. Go here for a Tecate or Mambo Taxi margarita (watch out) and some Nachos Locos.

The Monkey Bar at Mi Cocina
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The Monkey Bar at Mi Cocina
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The Monkey Bar at Mi Cocina
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Cafe R+D

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