The Athens of the West, the Portland of Kentucky, the Horse Capitol of the World – to those who live and travel here, Lexington is always home. With pristine countryside and eclectic urban areas, this place has something for everyone. Experience quintessential Kentucky: bourbon, horses, and basketball. Or get off the beaten track to experience unique Lexington: madcap dive bars, intimate art galleries, and the rarest sneakers for miles. One visit, and you will join the ranks of Lexington evangelists. Get over here and get converted.
Hottest stuff on the block.
Bourbon distillery + biker bar + artisan ice cream treats + fire-roasted short ribs + beer
Part contemporary art museum, part boutique hotel – all modern southern hospitality.
The greatest bar in the history of time.
This taco outpost is a must for people who know what’s good for them.
One stop shopping for beer, bikes, locally roasted coffee, and breakfast burritos.
You don’t have to be a nerd to love the arcade games, craft beer, and awesome bourbon selection.
It’s Mardi Gras all year long here. Finger-lickin’ cajun and creole signature dishes served with New Orleanian flair but no promenade.
Beer garden hidden behind a greenhouse
New heights in indoor climbing
Melt-in-your-mouth doughnuts
Street Scene is a curated consignment shop selling men’s and women’s clothing and accessories, jewelry, and homegoods hailing from the ‘50s through the 90s.
Come for the wine, stay for the sandwiches
Curated collection of curiosities
In 2009, a downtown city block was razed to make room for a 35-story high-rise, mixed-used monstrosity. Seven years and countless architects later, this block is now a pit in the center of the city. You will not be able to miss the blasted out crevice – it’s a Lexington landmark.