Less about glitz and glam and better known for its low-key working class attitude, Burbank has a family friendly affordable nature. Crafty restaurants sit side-by-side with auto-repair and vintage shops in this amalgamated town born from the aviation and film industries. It promises a well-rounded casual neighborhood with a little something for everyone.
Fabulously Comfortable Wine Bar with Excellent Service for the Curious Wino and Foodie
Vintage Lunchboxes, Star Wars Toys and a great supply of Antique Typewriters!
The Little Dinette than Could
Incorporated in 1911, the city of Burbank owes it's name to dentist and original land owner Dr. David Burbank who settled here in the 1860's. In the early twentieth century the entertainment and aviation industries began to take root, building the foundations for the city we know today. At the Burbank Historical Society, the cities early beginnings and industries are captured throughout this large complex of exhibits, preserved historic houses, and community buildings featuring full calendars of arts, culture, sports, theater and creative classes. You can't miss this place, as it has an actual F-104 parked outside on the street.