
The geographic beating heart of The City and the center of many a gay movement beams bright with fabulous people and all things a discerning eye would find either aesthetically pleasing or eye opening. A visual feast awaits you.

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Orphan Andy's

3991 17th Street
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A classic gay American diner, each table has an old school iPod, known in the day as a jukebox. Cheerfully red, vinyl, and festive since 1977. The window seats have an up close and personal view of the streetcars as they swing around for their return trip. It's just the right size for a cozy meal surrounded by vintage promotional posters for various art based SF events.

Orphan Andy's
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Orphan Andy's
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Orphan Andy's
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Orphan Andy's
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Orphan Andy's
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Orphan Andy's
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Seward Slides

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