Have you ever wandered past hundreds of coffee shops, unable to decide on where to drop in? Each one offers the same wooden interiors, superior coffee varieties and large mugs, making it impossible to settle upon any of them. If you happen to be in this confused state, with your eyes seeking out originality and your heart longing for an opportunity to finally find a place to sit and relax, look no further. Come and sit at Bonch! This is the right kind of place: the windows are big, the interior delicate and subtle, and the English breakfast would satisfy the most severe hunger. The latter is particularly important, because you'll hardly end up on Bolshaya Morskaya street without a reason. You're most likely on your way towards Palace Square or St. Isaac's Cathedral. The Manege and the General Staff Building are also just around the corner. So make sure to fuel up! Don't forget to take a pistachio eclair with you, and there are also some bear stickers at the cashier's counter.