South Indian Dosa Mahal Restaurant
Colourful decor and South Indian home cooking
In recent years, Bloordale has shed its reputation as a rough neighbourhood and become home to entrepreneurs who want to try something new. The result is an exciting mix of hip young businesses and time-tested old ones. Not only that, it’s the only neighbourhood in town with a church physically attached to a strip club.
Colourful decor and South Indian home cooking
Coffee—but with guitars!
Your neighbourhood barber
Vito’s Barbershop has been a Bloordale fixture through decades of transition. The walls are covered with clippings from the sports page; his lazy cat spends the day basking in the sun coming through the window. Vito is kind and friendly—but not overly chatty—and over the years he’s become a master of his craft. On Saturday, a haircut is only $16 with tax. Feels like old times.