
Kerrisdale is very much a neighbourhood in transition. You can tell that some of the old charm connected to the area’s history with the railway is present, but there are also many signs that point to up-and-coming. The demographic is changing and it is very apparent when new shops seem to go up overnight and the streets seem busier than ever.

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Gem Chocolates

2029 West 41st Avenue
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When walking in this store, try to refrain from grabbing every piece of chocolate within your sight.  There is so much to choose from that you owe it to yourself to take a minute and let it all soak in. From Pepper Spray chocolates to hand crafted Charlie Brown, this award-winning store really is a neighborhood gem.  

Gem Chocolates
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Gem Chocolates
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Gem Chocolates
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Gem Chocolates
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Gem Chocolates
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Gem Chocolates
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Gem Chocolates
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