Petrogradskaya / Gor'kovskaya
«Mini-gorod» in the Alexander Park – is an open air museum. The most significant architectural ensembles of St. Petersburg on a scale of 1:33 presented at the square size of a trading hall. Layouts are casted in bronze with the smallest details. Here you can find the Palace Square with the Winter Palace, the General Headquarters and the Alexander Column; Senate Square, including the Admiralty, the Senate and Synod buildings and others. In the winter, the paths between layouts are covered with snow, but in the summer you can wander right between the layouts and look at the palaces not from the bottom up as usual, but vice versa. You can even go into the courtyards of historic areas, roofs of buildings will be up to your knees, and you will feel like grown up Alice from a fairy tale written by Lewis Carroll.