Kreis 1

District 1 is the historical heart of Zurich. Experience a fusion between the traditional Zwinglian old town and the modern, vibrant spirit of present-day Zurich. This charming quarter is the cradle of cultural big hitters such as the Kunsthaus and home of authentic, long-established restaurants and prestigious cafés. Capture a vision of the past and discover emerging hotspots, which carry on the Swiss understanding for value in quality and design.

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John Baker

28 Stadelhoferstrasse
Visit Website

If you’re seeking for a bread that comes freshly out of the oven, even so in the evening, John Baker is definitely the right address. Crispy crust, intense flavor and a long shelf-life, those are the three pillars of John Bakers’ bakery concept. Only regional, eco-friendly and organic products go over the counter. Compared to the whole bunch of warmed up bread sold from the industrial bakers, John’s bread is freshly made and simply tasty.

John Baker
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John Baker
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John Baker
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John Baker
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