Chuck’s Firearms
Some gun shop owners, when asked why they’re always out of .22 bullets these days, will put down the gun they’re cleaning, take a deep breath, and say, “You’ve got to understand it’s complicated.” Then they’ll blame Obama’s support of the “Muslim brotherhood.” Not the guys at Chuck’s Firearms. When posed the same query, the manager shrugs and says, “Hoarders.” At a time when guns are on a lot of people’s minds, it’s nice to know some folks handling and selling them are sane. Chuck’s, situated smack-dab in the middle of Buckhead glamour, is worth the visit just to ogle all big-game rifles, retro outdoorsman posters, antique bicycles (including a Swiss Army number from the 1920s), hunting trophies, and other cool shit pulled from the pages of an upscale hunting magazine. There are lots of guns, too—including some of the finest specimens from the likes of Rizzini and Freedom Arms—all warmed in a wood-paneling glow.